6 min readJan 10, 2022


What habits you can get from successful people to change your life
Every one of us would like to be successful, the most people fail in it, there are many reasons why it happens like this, but the most obvious mistake of ours is the incorrect habits. And now, I am not going to describe habits that can’t be helpful when you are not still successful, I will tell you about the habits that can help you in this current day. I use these habits too, it aids me. So, let’s start:
1. Get up early;
From how earlier you get up, it depends on how your day is going to be. You know this feeling when you wake up lately( 7 am and more) and feel stupid, when you get up in that part of a day, as a rule, you always hold your day not according way. Why do successful people wake up early? The answer is that they want to do much more actions than they would do waking up more lately. Also, watching interviews of different celebrities, I noticed that they wake up early because they are motivated by that while they are already working, the others are sleeping. On my example of using this habit, I would say this habit has had an enormous impact on me, because, when I got up late, I understood that I cannot expect much from myself, there was a disorder in my discipline, I couldn’t cope with all my tasks, but when I have started to get up at 5 am, it was like a new page in my life, I began to feel like a real hunter for my targets.
2. Exercise
It doesn’t mean that you need to be engaged in some kind of sport professionally, no, you only need to do some sport regularly, it can be simple warming up, playing football with friends, fitness, yoga and so on. It really helps to not only ameliorate your health, but reduces stress, adds energy, and just aids you to get new forces for your deals. Many successful people practice sport not only because of upgrading health but because of improving discipline, which is extremely important for ambitious people.
3. Preplan your day
When you know what to do on a new day, your day will never be failed even if you couldn’t perform all goals for a day. Constant preplanning your day forms the discipline of daily work on yourself.
4. Keep track of your goals and set the primary goal.
Successful people always set many goals in front of themselves, for the month, year, 5 years or even all life and also, they set the primary goal, the primary goal is the most important of all, for example, for boxers, the primary goal can be becoming the world champion in the professional boxing, for businessmen, it can be entering the top 100 wealthiest people of a certain country, and so on. And yes, possibly, you are not having any goals for the current time, and even possibly you haven’t determined who you want to be, I had such a period in life too, and it is okay because it needs to take some time before you can open the field where you would like to develop.
5. Take ownership
Taking responsibility for our life makes us responsible for our actions, especially mistakes and failures. I often notice people who can only blame someone for their poverty, failures, something bad, and so on, there is always someone guilty in their problems. Successful people always blame only themselves in such cases. Even if they work in a team, they can take responsibility for themselves in some failure, though there is not any fault of theirs. When you understand that only you are the lord of your life and responsible for your actions, you will become stronger.
6. Keep constantly evolving and learning.
Constant learning some new things and development of ourselves influence our lives significantly, when you have free time, I recommend you to not lose time. You need to spend your free time with usefulness, it doesn’t mean that you should refuse your hobbies or other kinds of relaxation, I mean, for instance, you should read books more often, especially it is useful when you read books associated with the field where you develop, or if you want to have a large saving of knowledge, you can study some new field for yourself, for example, history, or programming, successful people always strive to self-develop. And you can ask me: ‘’How can this help me?’’. The answer is that instead of wasting your time watching some senseless videos on Youtube or drinking alcohol with your friends, you can cognize and develop yourself. And also there is the fact that sitting on social media or senseless spending your time on phone or computer makes you lazy, remember, more time you stick in phone or computer without any sense than harder it is to start or continue your working process, just choose the right time for these things, for example, when you are free from your deals someday(weekend, traveling), but my advice is to do this less rarely as much as possible, try to appreciate your time more than you have ever done it.
7. The value of time.
One of the main differences between successful and simple people is that successful people very much appreciate their time, and every minute for them is important. At one of the meetings, famous actor and bodybuilder, Arnold Schwarzenegger told their visitors: ‘’I worked out 5 hours a day, and I was working on the construction. So I worked on the construction, I went to college and worked out in the gym, and at night from 8 o’clock at night to 12 midnight I went to acting class 4 times a week, I did all that, there was not one single minute I wasted’’. First of all, I would like to highlight how he cherished his time, and that was one of the main reasons for his great success. Also, you can often notice that successful people have little time for their personal life. Not always, but quite often it happens because they want to achieve some great goals, and only then, find their beloved. So, you must pay attention to your goals more as possible, not gaming, sitting on social networks all the time, frequent parties with your friends, and I can continue this list further, but instead of this, I’ll tell you what, every minute is all-important, value your time.
8. Successful mentorship.
As a rule, successful people don’t consider themselves smarter than someone, smash people can have some mentors for developing certain skills, they can search for them on social networks, Youtube or in real life, and listen to pieces of advice and apply them in life. There are always people having some secrets for success that we don’t know about. What mentor do you need? You need a mentor in the field where you develop, if you want to be a businessman, listen to some successful businessman, it is not obligatory to hire such a person or search for among familiar, possibly you don’t have money or such familiar, so, one thing you can do is go to Youtube or another resource and find a mentor in your field.
9. Have the right surrounding of people
There is some phrase: If you have 4 friends-actors, you will be the fifth actor, if you have the community of businessmen, you will be the 5 fifth businessman, this phrase means that you need to gather people of the field where you develop yourself but it doesn’t mean that you need to refuse current friends, it means you need to join the influential people in your field or at least have friends that can morally support you and your idea; so, if you have some friends that don’t develop you but make you degrading, get rid of these people in your life, you need only optimistic and strong people that can deliver some benefits to you and can help you out in any minute.

10. Dream
Moving to your dream is good, but how it is strange would not sound, we need to dream as well, visualization of your dream makes you motivated, but not overdo, it can demotivate too. Take about 10–15 minutes a day to dream, the best time for it is before you get asleep. Also, What I would recommend is watching motivational content. We have different dreams, but whatever they are, we need to not just imagine them, but work on them constantly.




This blog is dedicated to personal development, it is aimed at promoting people in business, study, self-development and other activities.